If you've ever felt like your hair isn't growing or failing to grow beyond a certain length, chances are you've overlooked some detrimental factors to its health. The average person's hair grows at a rate of about ½ an inch each month. Although some variation is normal – after all, hair is just as unique as the individual – significantly lower growth is not typical.
Everything, including our diet, the products we use, our hormones, and even environmental factors can influence our hair growth. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to correct the imbalances and promote healthier, faster hair growth. Here you will find a description of the main reasons why your hair is not growing and the measures you should take to fix it.

A disease, such as pneumonia, or an inherited condition, can affect overall hair health and growth. As we age, we all experience some degree of hair thinning and loss. While it's not possible to completely reverse the trend, thinning and weakening hair can be reversed by using the right products and treatments. Look for shampoos that promote healthy hair follicles and pH balance, as well as treatments specifically designed to restore and rejuvenate damaged strands. The Sublime Set contains our four products that work in symbiosis to enhance and strengthen your locks.
A poor diet has long been linked to poor skin, nail and hair health. When it comes to hair growth, it's less about what you eat and more about what you don't eat.
You need to get the right vitamins and nutrients – especially antioxidants, fatty acids, iron, zinc, biotin, protein, folic acid, niacin, selenium and vitamins A, D and E – can seriously affect the health and growth rate of your hair.

Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in natural foods and free of preservatives to promote better hair health. Include nutrient-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, berries, green vegetables, eggs, avocados, sweet potatoes, fish, and other healthy foods in your diet. Check out the following blog post: 10 Foods That Promote Hair Growth for ingredients to include in your diet.

You probably already know that hair is closely linked to hormones. Whether it's postpartum hair loss or excessive breakage due to stress, your hormones play a huge role in your overall hair health. According to experts, a poor growth rate could be the cause of a hormonal imbalance or a secondary hormonal problem, such as PCOS or hyper-/hypothyroidism. Treating the condition is the best way to improve not only the health of your hair, but also your overall health and well-being.
Once you've started addressing the hormonal imbalance, incorporate hair growth-stimulating products into your routine to promote thicker, healthier locks. We designed the Ör regrowth serum to remedy hair loss
Over-processing and styling can lead to breakage, damage, and overall poor hair health, making it harder to grow. Products and other residues can clog hair follicles and stunt growth. Even certain hairstyles, like braids and extensions, can put undue stress on your locks and scalp.
The same goes for chemical treatments and dyes; over time, these services can weaken your hair and damage it, as chemically treated hair is more porous and therefore more susceptible to damage.

Do a hair and scalp detox to fight external damage and allow your hair to breathe. Put away hot tools, take a break from chemical processing and release styling products. You should also incorporate shampoos, conditioners, and other products specifically designed to remove residue and repair overworked strands into your routine. We recommend the Gaïa rinse oil that you apply in the shower which penetrates wet hair in just 30 seconds.
You are not alone in experiencing hair problems. We encourage you to find the nature of the problem in order to properly address it and find hair in good condition.
*Note: The information presented on this site is in no way intended to serve as medical advice or to replace medical treatment. You should always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional before taking any herbal or homeopathic medicine or nutritional supplement, starting any diet, nutrition or fitness plan, or adopting any treatment for a medical condition, whether offered on this site or otherwise.