Comment bâtir une routine capillaire parfaite avec les produits Crüe Cosmetics - Crüe Cosmetics

How to build a perfect hair routine with Crüe Cosmetics products.

Posted by Crüe Cosmetics on

Many of us don't know where to start when building the right hair routine. 

However, having the right hair routine should feel like a hair care ritual, and is even more important than the products themselves. That's because even the best products won't give you the best results if they're not put to good use. 

At Crüe, we enjoy accompanying our customers in the discovery of their personal hair routines. Today we want to do the same for you, dear reader. In this article, we delve into the topic of how to build an optimal hair care routine with Crüe Cosmetics’ organic hair treatments.

Discover how each product works and what makes them so effective. 

Ready to transform your hair routine into a hair ritual and achieve beautiful hair? Read on!


L’ÖR Fortifying Scalp Serum

L'Or fortifying scalm serum

As we age, it's common to notice our hair thinning. By the time you can visibly notice your scalp through your hair, you will have lost about 70% of hair density in that area.

If hair loss is your primary concern, L’Ör should be part of your hair routine before our other treatments. 

It is specifically designed to stimulate hair growth by nourishing hair follicles. 

Well-nourished hair from the roots down is healthy hair. 

This serum is formulated with castor oil, black tea, cayenne pepper, biotin, and a special blend of essential oils, all 100% organic. It will enhance the quality of your hair and accelerate its growth.

How do I apply it?

For best results, use L’Ör in the evening before going to bed. Leave it on overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

At first, we recommend using the treatment up to 3 times a week and then diminish over time to once a week.

The serum is intended to be applied directly to the scalp. Use sparingly, as its thick consistency means that 4  to 5  drops should be enough to cover a specific area. 

 Add more product until you cover each area you want to treat.  Please  keep in mind that moderation is always key!

Once applied, massage your scalp for 5 minutes in a circular motion. Never rub or use your nails. This massage helps improve blood circulation and aids with serum absorption. You'll notice that when it's time to shampoo in the morning, washing will be much easier.

Neptune moisturizing oil

Neptüne is a versatile moisturizing oil designed to hydrate your hair after or between washes. 

It's rich in nutrients and emollients that effectively replenish and moisturize  dry hair. We particularly recommend it for those suffering from skin or hair problems such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, and dermatitis.

These are some of the reasons the gorgeous Chantal Lacroix raves that it’s her personal fave. The oil instantly improves hair's appearance. 

And don't hesitate to use it on your face at night to treat wrinkles and get well-moisturized skin!


Neptune moisturizing oil

How do I apply it?

Use it after shampooing on clean damp hair. Start with one spray and warm up the product by rubbing your hands together. 

Apply Neptüne to the length of your hair, starting at the top of your ears and working your way down to the ends. 

If one spray doesn't seem to provide enough coverage, spray another and proceed in the same fashion. 

If you have straight or fine hair, avoid spraying it directly on your scalp.

For those with dense, curly hair, feel free to be more generous with the application!

Neptüne Hydrating Oil can also be used to refresh and moisturize your hair between washes. Apply in the same way to dry hair every couple of days.

Angelia hair mask

Angelia hair mask crue cosmetics

The name says it all, this organic safflower, jojoba, and hemp oil-based hair mask is designed to leave your hair angelically soft. Choose your cocooning day of the week, light a candle, and treat yourself!

This mask is formulated to detangle, repair and restore your hair.

How do I apply it?

This is the only formula we recommend completely saturating your hair and scalp with. 

This mask is very light and washes out easily. Start with 3 sprays and rub them  between both hands. Concentrate the Angëlia Hair Mask on your ends. Slowly work your way up to the roots, maintaining a downward motion. Apply just enough so you feel your hair is completely covered with this organic oil.

Do not be too heavy-handed. It shouldn't run down your neck or face. 

The important thing is to find the right balance according to your hair's texture and length.

Start with 1 treatment a week and gradually decrease to twice a month when your hair has returned to its desired state.

Gaïa rinsing oil

Gaïa is a rinse oil that gives your hair a touch of luxury in the shower.

Formulated with sweet almond oil, neem, and sage leaf, it improves the appearance of dull hair and imparts radiance. 

Neem is an Ayurvedic plant that helps prevent hair loss, and sage restores shine. 

It's the perfect formula if you want to strengthen your hair and keep your scalp clean thanks to its antimicrobial properties.

gaia rinse oil crue cosmetics

How do I apply it?

Gaïa is to be used as needed when your hair is in need of a little “je ne sais quoi”.

It can be used both inside and outside the shower. In the shower, after you have shampooed and conditioned, drop about a nickel-sized amount into your palms and work the oil into your wet hair, avoiding your scalp entirely. (curly girls can use it on the scalp too)

Pay particular attention to your ends and seal in moisture by smoothing your hair strands together. It takes just 30 seconds to penetrate and take effect. Then, rinse thoroughly until you feel no oily residue left behind.

Here is an example of a hair routine that you can try with the Sublime set:


Angëlia: once a week (Sunday)

L'Ör: twice a week the day before shampooing (Tuesday and Friday)

Gaia: in the shower (as needed)

Neptüne: on wet hair after your shampoo and on dry hair as needed


sublime product line crue cosmetics

Your hair routine is unique, and it's important to determine your needs before building it. Are you suffering from hair loss? Dry, brittle hair or dullness? The solution for every need is different.

You now have all the information you need to find the product that's right for you.  Still, have questions? We're here to help! Post your questions in the comments section below and we'll be happy to answer them.

We also offer free hair consultations with any purchase to help you shape  your best hair care routine using Crüe Cosmetics products. 

Ps: Discover our full Healthy Hair Guide. You'll find tips and tricks for healthy hair based on your hair type.


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